Top 10 Fall Pest Prevention Tips

top 10

Top 10 Fall Pest Prevention Tips

Fall is a time of change. Trees get rid of their old leaves. We change from shorts and shirts to pants and sweaters. Like most things, this time of year, your pest prevention needs are likely to change as well. While some pests are strictly seasonal, others merely change their habits to get inside your home and find shelter during the fall. This obviously applies to rodents, who may take up residence in your attic and start building a nest there once the temperature drops, but it also holds true for spiders; spider mating season is the summer, but they only really begin to become active in autumn. Fortunately, you can significantly reduce the number of creepy critters crawling into your home by doing a few simple things around your household. Keep reading for our top ten tips for fall pest prevention.

Inspect the Space Below Your Siding 

The underside of your house’s siding can be a top entry point for mats, rice, and other pests if not properly maintained. Inspect this area using a mirror, and if you find a gap, mark it so you can come back and seal it later.

Seal Doors & Windows 

Speaking of sealing, you’ll want to make sure your windows and basement sashes are properly cleaned and then sealed with weatherstripping before it gets too cold out. Not only will this help prevent pests from getting in, it will also lock in temperatures, thereby increasing your overall comfort and keeping your energy bills stable.

Check Your Dryer Vent 

Your dryer vent is what prevents carbon monoxide from harming your household when your dryer is in use. You can find this component on the outside of your home, usually towards the base of your property, though sometimes they are located on the roof. If you can access your dryer vent in a safe way, you should always check it to see if the damper is open and if the seal is tight when the seasons change. In addition to ensuring proper equipment operation, this will also help keep pests out that may crawl through the vent to get into your house. If you see that the damper is stuck or broken off, you may need to replace your dryer vent completely.

Examine Gaps Between Trim & Siding

Pests will work to get into your house through any opening, even your house’s trim and siding. This fall, take a minute to walk around your home, examining the trim and siding to see if it is secure. If you find areas where there are gaps, fill them using a caulk gun, cleaning up any residue as you go.

Clean Soffit Gaps 

Soffit is the underside part of your home’s arches, balconies, or eaves (basically anything that overhangs). If the soffit is not properly sealed, animals may start to make their nests on your roof. This is why you should clean soffit gaps and seal them with expanding foam when the seasons change. This will protect both the integrity of your roof and reduce the chance of animals nesting on your property.

Insert Copper Mesh in Openings Around Your Property

One great way to keep insects out of your home is to use copper mesh. This tough material is easy to use, and basically impossible for mice and rats to chew through. You can easily insert it in gaps around your home, pushing it in with a screwdriver, and then sealing those gaps with foam when necessary.

Reduce Moisture Levels

Everything from termites to mosquitoes is drawn to moisture, so it’s always a good idea to keep moisture levels stable on your property wherever possible. Raking away moisture-rich soil from your frames and windows, trimming branches that are prone to getting wet, and replacing your mulch periodically are all ways you can help reduce excess moisture on your property this fall. To get rid of spiders specifically, you should also consider putting a dehumidifier in your basement (a top location for spiders to make their webs), leaving it at a 40% humidity level. This will help control the temperature in your home and reduce the chance that spiders will be drawn into the dank, dark corners of your basement.

Cut Down on Clutter

Less clutter tends to be a good thing in general, but it is particularly applicable when talking about pest prevention. The fewer items you have lying on your floor, the less chance there is of moisture collecting underneath (mounting items also makes it easier to spot rat and mouse droppings.) Furthermore, cramped areas such as the cabinet under your sink should be cleaned out and stored efficiently in the fall. This is a prime area for rodents to travel through, and you want to give them as least cover as possible, thus allowing you to spot an infestation sooner rather than later.

Hide Excess Food

Pests love food. Ants, roaches, and more are attracted to messes, which is why you should never leave any food items just lying out in your kitchen or the rest of your home. You should always store leftovers in sealed, plastic containers to preserve freshness and reduce pest presence. When it comes to large food stores, such as dog food, consider putting them in a metal trash can. Mice cannot climb the walls of slick metal, meaning even huge items will be well-protected.

Put Down Traps

We know it’s an obvious and also unpleasant solution, but if you’re really worried about rodents invading your home, the best course of action continues to be using traps. Snap traps should be placed along walls, in a row, so mice have no way of escaping them. Glue traps tend to be less effective, though they are a good option for harder-to-reach places, like behind the fridge. Also, do not make the mistake of using cheese in your traps. Experts will tell you that peanut butter tends to be the most effective option, with chocolate syrup coming in a close second.

If Problems Persist, Contact Frame’s Pest Control

While these DIY prevention methods can greatly increase your ability to prevent pests from invading your home in the fall, they are not 100% guaranteed to get the job done. If you still find your home infested with pests this fall, it is best to contact an experienced pest control company to eliminate the problem and prevent it from happening in the future. The qualified exterminators at Frame’s Pest Control have been eliminating pest infestations for over 50 years. We have the latest technology and techniques to extinguish any pest problem. Contact us today to learn more about our pest control programs.

Fall is a time of change. Trees get rid of their old leaves. We change from shorts and shirts to pants and sweaters. Like most things, this time of year, your pest prevention needs are likely to change as well. While some pests are strictly seasonal, others merely change their habits to get inside your home and find shelter during the fall. This obviously applies to rodents, who may take up residence in your attic and start building a nest there once the temperature drops, but it also holds true for spiders; spider mating season is the summer, but they only really begin to become active in autumn. Fortunately, you can significantly reduce the number of creepy critters crawling into your home by doing a few simple things around your household. Keep reading for our top ten tips for fall pest prevention.

Inspect the Space Below Your Siding 

The underside of your house’s siding can be a top entry point for mats, rice, and other pests if not properly maintained. Inspect this area using a mirror, and if you find a gap, mark it so you can come back and seal it later.

Seal Doors & Windows 

Speaking of sealing, you’ll want to make sure your windows and basement sashes are properly cleaned and then sealed with weatherstripping before it gets too cold out. Not only will this help prevent pests from getting in, it will also lock in temperatures, thereby increasing your overall comfort and keeping your energy bills stable.

Check Your Dryer Vent 

Your dryer vent is what prevents carbon monoxide from harming your household when your dryer is in use. You can find this component on the outside of your home, usually towards the base of your property, though sometimes they are located on the roof. If you can access your dryer vent in a safe way, you should always check it to see if the damper is open and if the seal is tight when the seasons change. In addition to ensuring proper equipment operation, this will also help keep pests out that may crawl through the vent to get into your house. If you see that the damper is stuck or broken off, you may need to replace your dryer vent completely.

Examine Gaps Between Trim & Siding

Pests will work to get into your house through any opening, even your house’s trim and siding. This fall, take a minute to walk around your home, examining the trim and siding to see if it is secure. If you find areas where there are gaps, fill them using a caulk gun, cleaning up any residue as you go.

Clean Soffit Gaps 

Soffit is the underside part of your home’s arches, balconies, or eaves (basically anything that overhangs). If the soffit is not properly sealed, animals may start to make their nests on your roof. This is why you should clean soffit gaps and seal them with expanding foam when the seasons change. This will protect both the integrity of your roof and reduce the chance of animals nesting on your property.

Insert Copper Mesh in Openings Around Your Property

One great way to keep insects out of your home is to use copper mesh. This tough material is easy to use, and basically impossible for mice and rats to chew through. You can easily insert it in gaps around your home, pushing it in with a screwdriver, and then sealing those gaps with foam when necessary.

Reduce Moisture Levels

Everything from termites to mosquitoes is drawn to moisture, so it’s always a good idea to keep moisture levels stable on your property wherever possible. Raking away moisture-rich soil from your frames and windows, trimming branches that are prone to getting wet, and replacing your mulch periodically are all ways you can help reduce excess moisture on your property this fall. To get rid of spiders specifically, you should also consider putting a dehumidifier in your basement (a top location for spiders to make their webs), leaving it at a 40% humidity level. This will help control the temperature in your home and reduce the chance that spiders will be drawn into the dank, dark corners of your basement.

Cut Down on Clutter

Less clutter tends to be a good thing in general, but it is particularly applicable when talking about pest prevention. The fewer items you have lying on your floor, the less chance there is of moisture collecting underneath (mounting items also makes it easier to spot rat and mouse droppings.) Furthermore, cramped areas such as the cabinet under your sink should be cleaned out and stored efficiently in the fall. This is a prime area for rodents to travel through, and you want to give them as least cover as possible, thus allowing you to spot an infestation sooner rather than later.

Hide Excess Food

Pests love food. Ants, roaches, and more are attracted to messes, which is why you should never leave any food items just lying out in your kitchen or the rest of your home. You should always store leftovers in sealed, plastic containers to preserve freshness and reduce pest presence. When it comes to large food stores, such as dog food, consider putting them in a metal trash can. Mice cannot climb the walls of slick metal, meaning even huge items will be well-protected.

Put Down Traps

We know it’s an obvious and also unpleasant solution, but if you’re really worried about rodents invading your home, the best course of action continues to be using traps. Snap traps should be placed along walls, in a row, so mice have no way of escaping them. Glue traps tend to be less effective, though they are a good option for harder-to-reach places, like behind the fridge. Also, do not make the mistake of using cheese in your traps. Experts will tell you that peanut butter tends to be the most effective option, with chocolate syrup coming in a close second.

If Problems Persist, Contact Frame’s Pest Control

While these DIY prevention methods can greatly increase your ability to prevent pests from invading your home in the fall, they are not 100% guaranteed to get the job done. If you still find your home infested with pests this fall, it is best to contact an experienced pest control company to eliminate the problem and prevent it from happening in the future. The qualified exterminators at Frame’s Pest Control have been eliminating pest infestations for over 50 years. We have the latest technology and techniques to extinguish any pest problem. Contact us today to learn more about our pest control programs.